Archive [12/10/2008] – Watching erotic videos on television or on the internet is a pastime of many teenagers and men, whether they are single or married. Since last year, the search for pornographic films has also reached mobile phones. In Brazil, this trend is already strong. And it has everything to grow since there is no shortage of appliances: according to the latest balance sheet of the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL), there are about 138 million of active cell phones in the country.
According to Bsmart Latin America, the company responsible for distributing videos of American erotic record labels such as Penthouse and Vivid, are made about 50000 downloads of adult videos per month. And that number tends to go up.
— The cell phone is the only product that we carry everywhere. Convenience and availability are some of the main factors that explain the success of these videos on the cellphone — says Alexander Dannias, director of Bsmart.
Without anyone bothering
The 18-year-old university student Jorge Tane Tatemoto is one of the people who collaborate for the growth of this number. About two months ago, when entering the Internet by cell phone to kill time, he discovered the videos for older.
— It’s cool because you can watch it almost any time and nobody gets upset.
Jorge sees differences between cellphone and traditional productions for TV and Internet.
— The content of the phone is not as explicit as the others. On the one hand, it’s bad for not going that far. But on the other hand, it’s fun because you can show it to your friends at a bar. People always want to see and know how to download.
For the college student, who downloads videos on average three times a week, the price for each download is reasonable: between R$5 and R$10 per movie, lasting from 30 to 90 seconds. Jorge points out that the videos are a success among colleagues and has not been censored.
— They see only what they want to see.
Men are majority
Men are mostly among the consumers of erotic videos, according to a survey made by Bsmart with mobile operators.
— From the people who make the downloads, 92% identify themselves as men, 3% as women and 5% as LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transgender and transgendered).
One hypothesis for the larger percentage of men is the fact that many women access the videos with their boyfriends or without identifying themselves. This is the case of the student of Administration Roberta (fictitious name), of 19 years.
— It was my boyfriend who showed me the videos. I went to access once or twice a month — explains.
Roberta does not talk much about the subject with her friends but knows that most of them watch erotic content in some way.
— Every girl sees it, they just don’t want to admit it. Every once in a while, you say you’ve already done it (watched porn videos), but you have to be careful not to talk bad about yourself or give them the opportunity to.
For women
There are already videos focused on the female audience. In them, the moans are exchanged for a background song, and the camera focuses more on the face and reactions of the man. Movies are also offered to the gay public.