ServiRed, Sociedad Española de Medios de Pago, S.A. is Spain’s leading card payment scheme. It has 44 million cards in circulation, 1,147,077 merchants and around 32,421 ATMs. ServiRed has 100 members (banks, savings banks, and credit cooperatives), of which 67 are shareholders in the company.

The ServiRed scheme provides international interoperability through co-branding with Visa and MasterCard, for which it is licensed as a Group Member of Visa Europe and as a Principal Member of MasterCard Worldwide, and thus its members are empowered to issue Visa and MasterCard products and to acquire transactions made with them.

In addition to meeting the needs of the Spanish market, the ServiRed scheme provides international interoperability through co-branding with the international brands Visa and MasterCard. To this end, ServiRed has the main member license of Visa Europe and the principal member of MasterCard International. Under these licenses, ServiRed members are empowered to issue and purchase products under the Visa and MasterCard trademarks respectively.

ServiRed relies on three fundamental points to provide their services




ServiRed's Functions

The most important functions that ServiRed performances in its desire to meet the objective of replacing the cash are as follows:

1. To guarantee the total interoperability of the transactions carried out with card at national level, through the joint work and constant with the other two national schemes that operate in the Spanish territory;

2. Ensure international access to the cardholders of the served cards, through direct connections with international schemes (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay International, etc);

3. To guarantee acceptance of the cards issued in other countries operating in the shops acquired by the entities that are part of the ServiRed scheme;

4. Ensure the correct use of the serviced mark, the designs of the cards and the different characteristics of the products emitted by the ServiRed entities, in compliance with the operating regulations of ServiRed and any other applicable legislation.

5. Ensure the correct signalling of trades and acceptance terminals (POS and ATMs), as well as the correct functioning of such devices;

6. To carry out the process of authorization, compensation and liquidation of the exchange operations between its group of members and between the latter and the other networks of payment means. All this, in a clean, fast and without incidents;

7. Certify the solutions proposed by terminal manufacturers to the entities, in order to ensure their correct operation once these terminals are connected to the central Exchange system;

8. To arbitrate against eventual incidents that may be presented by financial institutions as a result of the use of the shared network.

9. Prevent, detect and prosecute fraud.

All the services mentioned above are carried out thanks to a continuous commercial and technological innovation that allows the realisation of purchases in a comfortable and safe way in Spain and in the rest of the world.

In addition to the many advantages offered by the ServiRed cards to the owners, their use facilitates the management of the expenses of the trade activity, while providing greater security by eliminating the negative aspects of cash, as the risk of robbery and loss.



Advantis is a MULTI-APPLICATION ISSUANCE SOLUTION EMV CHIP, which enables the processing of a financial transactions, through different smart DEVICES.

In the Advantis family, there are 7 different products, they are listed below

The Online-only configuration allows offline transactions without encryption, yet providing high level of security against fraud.

It allows the storage and use of digital signatures through RSA keys that provide a greater security.

Supports Java technology and CPS personalization standard, which allows a better implementation and use.

Incorporates the CPA application defined by EMVCo for using as a private label, with personalization based on the CPS standard.

Through contactless interface, provides a high level of service in environments where speed and security are key factors.

Allows the customer to pay with a sticker, a key case or a bracelet, without the need to have a physical card.

Converts a mobile phone into a payment device, allowing the storage and transmission of data in a secure way through tokenization

General advantages of Advantis


• Cost saving
• Competitive price
• Economy of scale


• Structure created with the main personalizer and developing Companies
• Support through all the value chain


• A single technology for all platforms
• Open configuration
• Latest specifications


• Multiple card brands
• Multiple chips, cards manufacturers and personalizers

The member entities of the ServiRed Board of Directors are: