Bsmart corporate social responsibility letter

Bsmart corporate social responsibility letter
Both Bsmart and suppliers
Respect, in each country, the fundamental conventions from OIT
• Bsmart commits itself to respect in each country we operate the fundamental conventions from OIT
Freedom’s association
• Freedom’s association and protection to organization right
• Right to organization and collective negotiation
Abolition of the slave labour
• Forced labour
• Abolition of slave labour
• Remuneration equality
• Discrimination (job and occupation)
Elimination of the child labour
• Minimum age
• Worst ways of child labour
Bsmart hopes that all his suppliers fulfill at least those fundamental conventions from OIT, even in countries that have not signed yet. In the same way, Bsmart hopes that they also fulfill all national, European or international regulations related to his activities like social rules, of work, health and security.

Secure the fulfillment of the health and safety in the workplace
• its included in Bsmart goals the improvement of the work conditions in the workplace and provide to our employes protection and training related to their activities.

Participation in the economic and social development of the region
guarantees to involve the local community in all the countries that we are present. We also compromise in promote diversity in gender, education and training to ensure equal opportunities and fight against the discrimination during recruitment

Fight against corruption in all his forms
• Bsmart and suppliers comply with all legislation related to ethics and behavior. including those dealing with human rights, bribery or corruption

Adopting a fair attitude
• Bsmart regiment is based in a set of values and guidelines for actions and behaviors that respect people, behaving responsibly, transparently and fairly while doing business. And hoping our suppliers share these values in order to improve ethical practices together.

Comply with local, national and international laws regarding the environment
• Bsmart is committed to complying with all environmental legislation and expects the same from its suppliers respecting all national, European and international laws related to the environment.(REACH, RoHS, WEEE…)
Bsmart is always open to all the proposals that have helped it to improve its practices and commitments of corporate social responsibility.
• Since Bsmart relies a lot in his suppliers and assumes that some of them have already implemented responsible and sustainable social and environmental practices.
• As we consider corporate social responsibility to be a key element for success, the responsible and innovative initiative that helps to improve practices should be supported.